Ideas for the Death Anniversary of a Loved One

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Remembering and honoring a loved one on the anniversary of his death helps you heal.

The death of a loved one is a difficult experience. The anniversary of the death of your loved one can be a painful day, but if you celebrate it with remembrance and honor, you can relive happier memories. Reflection on the anniversary of the death of a loved one can help the grieving process and keep you close to the person you lost.


Flowers at the Burial Site

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Flowers at the burial site.
Image Credit: Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images

Placing flowers at the burial site on the anniversary of a loved one's death is a way to pay tribute to the person you miss. Pick out her favorite flowers and have them arranged in a bouquet to place at the burial site. You can then spend time at your loved one's grave talking to him. You can catch him up on what is going on in your life and the lives of others he loved. You can also tell him how much you miss him and focus on happy memories you shared together.


Video of the Day

Family Celebration

Bring family together.
Image Credit: Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

Gather all the family members and friends of the loved one on the anniversary of their passing. Have dinner, reflect on memories, play the deceased's favorite music, and celebrate his life through discussion and remembrance. You can also put together a presentation of photographs and movie clips highlighting your loved one's life.


Memory Box

Create a memory box.
Image Credit: Thomas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty Images

A memory box is a wonderful way to remember and honor your loved one. Create a box in which you can store all kinds of mementos that remind you of the person. On the anniversary of her death, place different mementos in the box: photographs, trinkets, and other things that remind you of your loved one. Celebrate this way every year at the anniversary of your loved one's death.


Religious Observances

Hold a religious service.
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If your loved one was religious, you can honor him by having a religious service in his honor. Invite his family and friends to the service and celebrate his life through prayer and love. Christians can request a mass in honor of a deceased love one at most churches, while Jews traditionally light a special memorial candle in their home to observe the anniversary of the death of a loved one.


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