How to Defrost Salmon on the Counter

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Things You'll Need

  • Plate

  • Plastic freezer bag

Safe handling is an important part of salmon preparation.

Unlike other foods that can be thawed on the countertop, salmon and other fish cannot be safely defrosted in this manner, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Rather than placing your frozen salmon on your counter to thaw, use other methods that will leave your fish safe for consumption. Frozen salmon should only be thawed to a state of being flexible and able to be bent.


Step 1

Thaw salmon overnight by placing it on a plate in your refrigerator. This allows the fish to remain at a safe, cold temperature while removing it from its frozen state.

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Step 2

Thaw your salmon faster by sealing it in an airtight plastic bag and leaving the fish underneath cold running water. This method will defrost the fish within minutes.

Step 3

Use your microwave to quickly bring salmon from a frozen state. Use the defrost setting, which will remove iciness without dropping the temperature of the salmon too low and beginning to cook it.


Avoid cross contamination by washing your hands before and after handling raw fish.

Never use the same kitchen utensils to serve salmon that you used when preparing the fish.

Refrigerate salmon leftovers immediately and use or discard them within two days of preparation.


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