Things You'll Need
Bright red paint
Purple paint
White paint
Artist palette
Air tight container
Permanent marker

Crimson is a rich red color with purple undertones. You can create a crimson color with any paint by mixing a true red with some white and purple paint. Mixing these colors together using the correct ratio will produce a brilliant crimson that can be used for painting walls and furniture, or even for painting on canvas or as a watercolor. You can mix a small amount of paint at a time, or mix a large batch and store it for future use.
Step 1
Place three brushfulls of red paint onto the palette. Add a half brush full of white and purple paint.
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Step 2
Mix the three colors of paint together. The colors will probably not look right yet. Add more red color to brighten the hue.
Step 3
Continue to add more red, white or purple to deepen the color to match the shade of crimson that you want. Keep track of the ratios of paint that you use, so you can reproduce the results on a larger scale.
Step 4
Recreate the mixing ratio on a larger scale when you are finished creating the hue that you want. For example, if you used one part white, two parts purple and five parts red paint, then you would use the same ratio for mixing the rest of the paint, using larger parts.
Step 5
Store the paint in an airtight container until you need to use the paint. Mark the color on the outside of the container so you know which container to use when you want crimson paint.
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