How to Cover Drainage Holes in Pots

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Things You'll Need

  • Window screen material

  • Scissors

  • Potting soil

  • Saucer

  • Rocks

Drainage holes are sometimes too large on flower pots.

Nearly all potted plants require good drainage to grow well. Undrained pots collect water in the bottom that causes soggy soil and root problems on the plant. Most pots come with predrilled drainage holes in the bottom or side of the pot to allow for the necessary drainage. The potting soil may fall from these holes, especially in newly planted pots. The draining water also creates a mess as it drips from the pot after watering. Covering the holes to prevent issues while still allowing for proper drainage ensures the plants grow healthy and mess-free.


Step 1

Cut a piece of window screen material to the same diameter of your pot. Make the screen 1 to 2 inches larger than the pot if the pot has side drainage holes.

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Step 2

Slide the screen material into the pot. Press it against the bottom and side so it covers the drainage holes.

Step 3

Fill the pot with soil. Plant the desired plants or seeds inside.

Step 4

Set the pot on top a tray or saucer to catch water drips. Place two or three flat rocks in the saucer first then set the pot on top the rocks if the pot has only bottom drainage holes. The rocks elevate the pot above the saucer so the drained water isn't reabsorbed into the potting soil.


Place broken clay pot shards over the drainage holes to help keep the soil inside the pot, instead of using screen. Don't block the holes completely with the shards.

Double pot instead of using a saucer. Fill a large pot with no drainage holes with an inch or two of gravel. Set the the pot with drainage holes inside the larger decorative pot.


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