How to Clean Cigarette Smoke Stains on Vinyl Blinds

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Things You'll Need

  • Dropcloth or plastic sheeting

  • Vacuum cleaner with brush attachment

  • Heavy-duty degreaser

  • Water-soluble deodorizer

  • Bucket

  • Latex gloves

  • Soft-bristle scrub brush

  • 2 shop cloths or rags

  • Large towel

Available in various types and sizes, vinyl blinds provide privacy without the hassle of curtains or drapes. But the blinds, similar to other surfaces, are not immune to dust, dirt and stains from cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke stains are a challenge to remove and can build up quickly on both sides of your vinyl blinds. When removing the stains, you don't want to use a solution that will damage the vinyl, nor do you want to use a solution that will only mask the odor and stain.


Step 1

Remove any coverings, if present, and furniture from in front of your vinyl blinds. Place a dropcloth or plastic sheeting on the floor under the blinds.

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Step 2

Vacuum both sides of the blinds using your vacuum cleaner's brush attachment. If a brush attachment is not available, brush the blinds with a soft-bristle brush to remove any loose dust and dirt from the blinds.

Step 3

Mix 1/2 cup of heavy-duty degreaser, 1 tbsp. of water-soluble deodorizer and 1/2 gallon of warm water in a bucket. Wear latex gloves to keep your hands dry.

Step 4

Stir the mixture with a soft-bristle scrub brush. Close your vinyl blinds so the slats are facing downward.


Step 5

Dip a shop cloth or rag into the mixture, wring out excess and apply the mixture to the blinds. Scrub the blinds with the scrub brush to remove the cigarette stains.

Step 6

Reapply the mixture and continue to scrub the blinds until the stains and odor are gone. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the other side of the blinds.

Step 7

Dry the blinds with a large towel. Take up and dispose of the dropcloth or plastic sheeting in your home's trash can.


Spray a deodorizing disinfectant onto the blinds, window and area surrounding the window to kill any lingering cigarette smoke odor.


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