How to Make a Paper Beret

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Things You'll Need

  • Paper plate

  • Construction paper

  • Stapler

  • Hot glue gun

  • Decorations (glitter, stickers, fake flowers, paints)

A paper beret can be made using a paper plate.

A beret is a soft, circular hat that slouches at an angle atop a person's head. The beret is associated with France and clothing worn by French people, though it is popular around the world. Making a paper beret can be a craft activity for an elementary school French class, part of a French-themed costume or just a fun activity for children and adults. Creating a paper beret is not difficult, as no sewing is required.


Step 1

Create a headband out of construction paper. Determine the circumference of the wearer's head by wrapping the construction paper strip around his head and marking where the two ends meet. Cut a 2-inch-wide strip at the mark and staple the two ends together.

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Step 2

Glue the paper plate onto the top edges of the construction paper headband using the hot glue gun. Since the top edges of the headband are quite thin, use a generous amount of hot glue. Trim off any excess paper plate, that is, any part of the paper plate that hangs over the edges of the headband, using scissors.

Step 3

Decorate the paper beret with stickers, glitter, fake flowers or any other bits of flare you can think of. Use decorations that contrast nicely with the color of your beret. If the paper you've used is plain white, you can begin your decoration process by painting the whole beret or painting designs on the beret.


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