Hitachi Rice Cooker Directions

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Things You'll Need

  • Cooking spray

  • Rice

  • Cup

Rice has been consumed more than any other food every day for centuries and is considered the world's staple food.

Many people are challenged by cooking rice. It can come out soggy or crunchy if you don't use the right amount of ingredients or cook it correctly. Hitachi rice cookers allow you to easily measure and start the rice cooker, leaving it to cook without any work. Hitachi rice cookers can be used to cook any kind of rice or even to steam vegetables and reheat foods. Hitachi rice cookers also hold the cooked rice for 5 hours without drying out the rice.


Step 1

Spray the inner pan of the rice cooker with cooking spray and place it securely in the rice cooker.

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Step 2

Fill the plastic cup that comes with your rice cooker to the top -- not heaping, but to the brim -- with raw rice and pour it into the inner pan. Repeat and add as many cups as needed. Each plastic cup makes four 1/2 cup servings of cooked rice.

Step 3

Use a separate cup to pour enough water into the rice cooker to match the number on the inner pan that corresponds with the number of plastic cups of rice that you added. For example, if you added two plastic cups to the pan add water to the "2" line on the rice cooker pan.

Step 4

Put the lid on the rice cooker and plug the big end of the electrical cord into the back of the rice cooker and the smaller, two-pronged end into an electrical outlet.


Step 5

Put the "ON/OFF" switch in the "ON" position and push the "Warm" switch down to the "Cook" position. Allow the rice to cook until the chime goes off letting you know that it is done. Do not lift the lid or stir the rice while it is cooking. The rice cooker will detect the amount of moisture left in it and automatically shut off on its own.

Step 6

Move the "Warm" switch up to the "Warm" setting. Rice will hold for up to five hours on "Warm."


It is normal for the cooked rice to have a light brown, paper-thin crust of cooked rice along the bottom of the inner pan of the rice cooker.

Many Hitachi rice cookers come with a steam plate that allows for heating and steaming other foods such as vegetables or hard-boiled eggs.

Reheat leftover rice by adding 1/2 cup of water per 8 oz. of cooked rice that you want to reheat. Place the steam plate inside and put the cold cooked rice on top of the steam plate. Turn the rice cooker on and to the warm position for 15 minutes.

Rice cookers can also be used to heat towels to clean hands or for massages.


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