How to Remove Crayon From Paper

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Things You'll Need

  • Paper towels

  • Iron

  • Scraper

  • Kneaded eraser

Give children coloring books to draw in instead.
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Kids are prone to coloring on any surface they can find with crayons -- even important documents or wallpaper. The process of removing crayon marks from a paper surface requires patience and, to avoid damaging the paper, a delicate hand. A heat-treatment method is gentle and works well for many types of surfaces. More durable paper may benefit from the application of a kneaded eraser.


Using the Heat Method

Step 1

A paint scraper is thin enough for this purpose.
Image Credit: colin timm/iStock/Getty Images

Use a scraper to gently remove thick layers of crayon that can are easily lifted off the paper. Do not dig into the paper with the scraper. Slide it along the surface. If the paper is delicate, skip this step.

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Step 2

Heat up the iron on a low setting. Fold and place a few paper towels against the crayon marks.

Step 3

Press the iron against the paper towels for several seconds. Lift away, and press again for several seconds. Repeat until the crayon has melted into the paper towels.


Step 4

Place fresh paper towels against the remaining wax stain. Continue ironing until you have removed as much of the crayon as possible.

Using a Kneaded Eraser

Step 1

Warm up the kneaded eraser in your hands until it is pliable. You can aid the process by kneading the putty between your fingers.


Step 2

Rub the crayon marks gently with the eraser. A small circular motion may help lift away the marks by attacking them from different angles.

Step 3

Clean the eraser by pulling and stretching the material. Use a clean section of the eraser to finish working on the crayon marks.


Wax- or plastic-coated papers are easier to clean off.

This method can be used to remove crayon from wallpaper.


It might not be possible to completely remove all of the crayon from paper. A light grease mark may still be visible after cleaning.

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