How to Cook Beef Loin Tri Tip Steak

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Things You'll Need

  • Grill or grill pan

  • Tongs

  • Heavy skillet

  • Broiler pan

  • Foil

  • Salt

  • Pepper

  • Vegetable oil (optional)

Beef tri-tip is a member of the sirloin family of beef. It is a lean, boneless, tender cut of beef that can be sliced into steaks from a tri-tip roast. It is affordable and easy to work with. A 3-ounce serving packs about 30 grams of protein and 250 calories. Like any sirloin, it lends itself well to a few methods of cooking. It can be grilled, broiled or stir-fried in a skillet.



Step 1

Heat the grill or grill pan to medium heat.

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Step 2

Season the steaks with salt and pepper to taste.


Step 3

Place the steaks on the grill for 9 to 13 minutes for medium rare to medium. Turn once halfway through cooking. This timing is based on a 3/4-inch steak. Allow about 4 additional minutes for a 1-inch steak.


Step 4

Remove the steak using kitchen tongs and allow to rest for 5 minutes before slicing. Using tongs instead of a fork assures that the juices will not escape through punctures in the tissue. Resting time allows for the juices to redistribute throughout the steak.



Step 1

Raise the oven rack to 4 inches below the coils and preheat the oven to the broil setting at 500 degrees.



Step 2

Line the bottom of the grill pan with aluminum foil to allow for easy cleanup.


Step 3

Season the steaks with salt and pepper to taste and place on the grill rack without overcrowding.


Step 4

Broil 3/4-inch thick steaks 6 to 9 minutes for medium rare to medium. Add 3 minutes to the cooking time for 1-inch thick steaks. Turn steaks once halfway through the cooking time.

Step 5

Use tongs to remove the steaks and allow them to rest for 5 minutes before slicing. Do not pierce the steaks with a fork or the juices will escape. Resting time allows those juices to redistribute throughout the steak.


Stir frying

Step 1

Cut the steaks into 1/8-inch thick strips and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Step 2

Heat a heavy skillet over medium-high heat. If the skillet is not a nonstick variety, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Step 3

Stir the steak strips constantly for about 60 to 90 seconds. Transfer to a serving platter.


Pat the steaks dry before cooking to get a better sear. Do not trim the fat before cooking Use a dry rub to coat the steaks before cooking to add flavor. Marinate the steak for 1/2 hour before cooking to enhance the flavor.


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