Party invitations set the tone for the celebration. While the invitation is typically short (less than one page), much information about the party is conveyed in the wording and design. A French party invitation, for example, ought to portray a certain elegance (as the French are often associated with elegance) and some French phrases. Work with French themes and images as you design your invitation; your guests will be impressed and will be sure to tell you "merci beaucoup."
Step 1
Use cream or ivory color paper. According to celebrations.com, elegant and formal invitations typically use these colors. Decorate the border of the invitation with French-themed objects such as berets, French flags and the Eiffel Tour.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Greet your guest with a French greeting. If the party is more formal, use "Salut" (the French word for "Hi"). Use "Bonjour" for formal invitations or as a general greeting.
Step 3
Write "Quoi" (the French word for "what") and include a French phrase indicating the type of party you are hosting. If it's a birthday party, write "C'est mon anniversaire." For general parties, use "fete" (the French word for party).
Step 4
Write "Ou" (the French word for "where") and write the location of the party.
Step 5
Write "Repondre S'il Vous Plait" (the written-out version of "RSVP") and indicate how guests can respond to the party.
Consider using a French-English translator to help you pick phrases to use in your invitation. See the link in Resources.
Video of the Day