How to Clean a Cooks Coffee Maker

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Things You'll Need

  • Measuring cup

  • Bowl

  • Vinegar

Clean coffee pots make better coffee.

Cleaning a coffee maker is an important part of having a delicious cup of coffee every day. Cooks Coffee Makers are no exception; these drip coffee machines should be cleaned regularly to maintain their performance. Cleaning a drip coffee maker is a simple process that should take no more than 15 minutes, and weekly cleaning will keep a Cooks Coffee Maker in good condition for many years. Cleaning a coffee maker should be a regular chore.


How to Clean the Cooks Coffee Maker Filter

Step 1

Empty the filter over the sink or into the garbage to remove any leftover coffee grounds. Rinse the filter in warm water.

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Step 2

Fill a bowl with an even mixture of vinegar and warm water and soak the filter in it for 10 to 15 minutes. This will remove the buildup of coffee grounds in the filter.


Step 3

Remove the filter and rinse it in cool water to remove the vinegar smell from the filter.

How to Clean a Cooks Coffee Maker

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Step 1

Fill the coffee maker with an even mixture of hot water and vinegar. Vinegar is a good cleaning agent that will remove stains and coffee grounds from inside the coffee maker and get it clean.


Step 2

Run the water and vinegar through the coffee maker. Use at least 6 cups of the mixture.

Step 3

Empty the coffee pot and repeat the cleaning process again to remove more of the coffee grounds from inside the coffee maker.


Step 4

Run plain water through the coffee maker to remove the vinegar smell from the interior of the Cooks Coffee Maker.

How to Clean a Cooks Coffee Maker Coffee Pot

Step 1

Fill the coffee pot with hot water and a mild dish soap.


Step 2

Scrub the interior of the coffee pot to remove stains and buildup. Allow the soap to sit in the coffee pot for five minutes.

Step 3

Rinse out the coffee pot with warm water to remove the soap. If necessary, scrub the interior of the coffee pot with water and vinegar to remove tough stains.

Step 4

Rinse the coffee pot with plain water and dry thoroughly before returning it to the Cooks Coffee Maker.


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