How to Plant Prostrate Myoporum Ground Cover

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Things You'll Need

  • Tiller

  • Organic matter

  • Shovel

  • Water

With time and effort, most gardeners and homeowners can make their landscapes look bright, fresh and lively. However, large areas of grass or different sections of landscape can look dull or run into each other, creating a haggard and discordant look. Some gardeners and landscapers may choose to use a ground cover plant such as myoporum parvifolium, or prostrate myoporum. This fast-growing evergreen ground cover can change the look of a landscape if planted and cared for properly.


Step 1

Plant myoporum in an area of your landscape or garden that receives six to eight hours of full sunlight daily. Alternatively, trim overhead branches or remove canopies to allow for that much sun. Myoporum thrives in full sun and will not tolerate shade.

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Step 2

Till the soil in which you intend to plant prostrate myoporum. Mix in organic material such as compost or peat to help the soil drain. The amount of material you need will vary depending on the size of your land and the drainage capabilities of your soil.

Step 3

Plant myoporum cuttings 3 to 4 inches beneath the soil in a hole just large enough to accommodate them. If you are installing a full plant, create a hole large enough to accommodate the root system.

Step 4

Water the plantings thoroughly, moistening the top 10 inches of soil. This deep watering will encourage root spread.


A single myoporum plant can grow up to 8 feet wide and 18 inches high. Leave the plants enough room to grow when planting them.


Because of its sensitive stems, prostrate myoporum cannot tolerate foot traffic.

Myoporum is easily damaged by overwatering. Water the plant only when the top 2 to 3 inches of soil has dried out, and do not water if the plant has received rain.


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