How to Replace a Fuse in a Hager Fuse Box

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Changing the fuse in your Hager fuse box is easy.

There may come a time when a fuse in your Hager fuse box blows and needs to be replaced. Different factors, like power surges from electrical storms or merely age, can cause the fuses in your Hager fuse box to go. However, you can get that fuse changed out in no time and save yourself the cost of having to hire an electrician.


Step 1

Locate the main fuse box for your house.

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Step 2

Flip the main circuit breaker into the off position.

Step 3

Unscrew the two screws to the Hager fuse that you wish to replace. One will be located on the top of the actual fuse and the other will be located at the bottom.


Step 4

Slip the old fuse box from its slot by gently pulling it toward you.

Step 5

Slide down the white tab on the back of the new, replacement fuse and then gently slot it into position. Replace the two screws at the top and bottom of the fuse.


Step 6

Flip the fuse switch back into the on position.

Step 7

Slide your main circuit breaker back into the on position.

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