Things You'll Need
Pfaff manual for your specific model
Sewing machine oil
Scrap of fabric

When determining how to oil your Pfaff sewing machine, it is important to remember that sewing machine design has changed dramatically over the years. Pfaff, in business for more than 145 years, has dozens of different styles of sewing machines, each requiring slightly different maintenance. Some Pfaff machines that are part of the Hobby line don't require any oiling at all due to special materials designed to operate at higher temperatures with a reduced rate of friction.
Step 1
Obtain a copy of the correct operator's manual for your machine. Verify that the manual you have is for the exact model of sewing machine you are using. Locate the section on oiling the machine in the index in the back of the book and read it completely before attempting to oil your machine.
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Step 2
Locate all the indicated oiling points on your sewing machine. Never put oil in any holes that are not indicated for oiling, since this could affect other functions of the machine in an adverse way.
Step 3
Research in your manual the proper type of oil for your machine. Consider using the specialty oil recommended by the manufacturer (and often provided upon purchase) rather than a generic sewing machine oil or other lubricant in order to preserve the full integrity of your machine's warranty. Speak with a Pfaff representative if you want to use a different oil to ascertain whether it will perform as needed and will be acceptable for use in that machine. Document the date and time you called, and the full name of the Pfaff representative with whom you spoke.
Step 4
Apply a few drops of the proper oil in each location indicated by your manual. Slowly advance the machine by a few stitches to permit the oil to coat the proper surfaces. Allow the oil to sit a minute, then sew several sample stitches on a waste piece of cloth in case any of the newly added oil will be accidentally transferred to the cloth by the feed dogs or other parts of the bobbin assembly. Wait 15 more minutes and then sew another test sample to be sure there will be no staining. Continue to sew samples until absolutely no oil residue appears along the stitching line or on any other part of your sample. Perform this simple test again at the beginning of your next couple of sewing sessions to confirm that no oil will ruin your projects.
Keep your bottle of sewing machine oil in a sealed plastic bag to keep any accidental leaks from ruining nearby items.
Keep your empty oil bottle until you have located a proper replacement to remind you of the exact name and specifications of the correct oil.
Although there are less expensive sewing machine oils and other lubricants, seriously consider the risk of using a product not recommended by Pfaff.
Unplug your sewing machine while adding oil or performing any other maintenance. To avoid any electrical dangers, turn it on to test only after the oil has been safely applied.
After oiling, wipe the surface of your sewing machine and the surrounding work space with a damp cloth to make sure no oil drips remain that could ruin your fabric.
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