Things You'll Need
RSVP card
Sender's address

Receiving a birthday invitation is always exciting. You get to have fun and celebrate a person turning a year older. There are still many people who mail birthday invitations to their guests, although some may send invitations electronically. Whatever the format you receive, make sure to let the sender know you're planning to attend so she can make the necessary arrangements.
Step 1
Find out how the sender wants to receive the birthday invitation acceptance. Many senders include an RSVP card in the same envelope as the invitation. On the card, he may ask a few questions and request that you return the card in the mail. These questions may include checkboxes next to reply choices, including food preferences. Select the choices most appropriate to you.
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Step 2
Mail the RSVP card promptly. If the birthday invitation includes an RSVP request with a phone number or email address, call or email with your acceptance as soon as possible. Make sure you respond by the deadline listed on the invitation.
Step 3
Thank the sender for inviting you. The sender may have put in a lot of time compiling the list of people she wanted to invite. Expressing your thanks lets the sender know you are grateful and you value her friendship.
Step 4
Mention how many guests you will be bringing. The standard protocol is to bring one guest. But if you are very friendly with the sender and he knows the people you are bringing, it may be permissible to bring more than one guest. It is respectful to mention the number of guests you wish to bring, so the host can plan accordingly.
Step 5
Ask the sender if you can bring anything or if she needs help in preparation or planning. This is a courtesy that you can offer, especially if you have some time to help her with the preparations. Usually, the sender/host is also the birthday celebrant, so you may want to make her day a little easier by helping out. Make sure to bring a gift to the party.
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