How to Use a Knifty Knitter Loom

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Things You'll Need

  • Knifty Knitter loom and hook

  • Yarn

  • Yarn needle

  • Crochet hook (optional)

The Knifty Knitter can create different types of knits, depending on how you wrap the loom and which method you use when knitting off the loom. Knifty knitter looms are generally sold in sets and contain a hook and plastic yarn needle to assist in knitting off the loom. Both the long and round looms function in similar ways, so you can apply the following instructions to either model.


Step 1

Wrap the Knifty Knitter loom. Secure a strand of yarn to the anchor peg on the side of the loom by tying a slip knot. Wrap the yarn around each peg of the loom by creating loops resembling the cursive letter "e." The top of the cursive "e" should face the outer edge of the loom, not the inside. The number of pegs you wrap will determine the overall width of the finished knit. Note that if you wrap an entire round loom you will create a tube — the round looms are often used to make hats. Knitting back and forth on the loom with a predetermined stopping point will create what is known as an open-panel knit.

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Step 2

Wrap the loom a second time using the same method. Some knitting patterns require four or more wraps, but the most basic technique only requires two full wraps. When you reach the anchor peg after completing the second wrap, loosely secure the yarn in place — either by wrapping it around the peg a few times or by making a very loose knot.


Step 3

Start knitting off the loom. The one-over-one method of knitting is the most basic one. Using the Knifty Knitter hook that is included with the loom, lift the bottom loop on each peg over the loop above it and off of the peg. One loop remains on each peg. Wrap the loom again so that you have two loops on each peg and repeat the one-over-one stitch. Repeat the wrapping and stitching until the knit is the desired length. Other variations of knitting off the loom include the one-over-two stitch, the no-wrap stitch and the ribbed stitch.


Step 4

Remove the knit from the loom. Use a yarn needle threaded with a separate strand of yarn to sew through each loop of the finished knit. Secure the yarn to the anchor peg and then simply push the threaded needle through the remaining loops — each peg should only have one loop at this point. Make sure both ends of this yarn strand are secured before pulling the loops off the pegs. This will secure your stitches and keep the knit from unraveling. How you finish the knit once it is removed from the loom will depend on the type of project you're making: Hats must be closed up one way, while open-panel knits might require some basic crocheting to create a finished edge.


Don't make the loops too tight when you wrap the loom. It's not necessary and it will make the entire process more difficult.


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