How to Get Rid of Faded White Lines in Jeans

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Everyone has a pair of favorite, old blue jeans - those jeans that you can't bear to throw out because they hold sentimental value, or because they fit you perfectly. Overtime, like any clothes, wear and tear and washing and drying will take a toll on your jeans. Faded white lines appear where jeans crease from being worn, such as around the groin, knees or in the back. Although it is nearly impossible to avoid these wear lines, you can easily get rid of them by re-dying your jeans, which will also make your beloved denims look newer in appearance.


Things You'll Need

  • Washing machine

  • Washing detergent

  • Blue fabric dye

  • 5 gallon bucket

  • Water

  • Stirring utensil

  • Water hose

  • Dryer or clothes line

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Step 1

Wash your jeans in the washing machine to remove any dirt or residue that will prevent the dye from sticking to the cotton.

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Step 2

Buy a fabric dye for heavy duty cotton in the color that you wish for you jeans to be. Either match the color to the original or current color or choose a different color to change the appearance of your jeans.

Step 3

Measure out the specified quantity of dye that matches the water ratio to dye on the packaging label.

Step 4

Fill your bucket with the required amount of water and pour the measured dye into the water.


Step 5

Stir the dye and water with your stirring utensil.

Step 6

Add your jeans to the dye mixture and stir for a few minutes with the stirring tool.

Step 7

Let the jeans stand in the dye mixture for the specified period of time required on the dye packaging instructions


Step 8

Pour out the water and dye mixture either down the sink or outside and use a hose to rinse out your bucket and jeans. Rinse your jeans for a good five minutes, or until the water running off your jeans runs clear of dye.

Step 9

Wash your jeans in the washing machine on the cold cycle by themselves.


Step 10

Depending on your jeans' instructions, machine dry or hang dry your jeans. Your faded white lines will be filled in by dye and the all over color will brighten the look of the pants, making them look newer as well.


Use gloves when removing jeans or dumping out dye if you are concerned with your hands being dyed.

