How to Decorate a Rubber Ducky

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Things You'll Need

  • Rhinestones

  • Tiny beads

  • Foam brush

  • Paint

  • Mod Podge

  • Red and green glitter

  • Paper scraps

When you think of a typical rubber ducky, you may think of one that is yellow and orange with an adorable smile on its face. Many children and adults alike are a fan of this toy and some even choose to decorate an entire room in a rubber ducky theme. Considering the smooth, plain surface of a rubber ducky, it can act as a canvas and allow you to decorate it the way you wish. Whether you are young or young-at-heart, it can be a fun craft project to do that does not have to cost a lot of money.


Step 1

Use rhinestones. Some of the rhinestones are self-adhering, others you can easily glue on with any type of glue. Decorate the rubber ducky by putting the rhinestones around the top of its head in the shape of a crown or by putting them in a design anywhere along a flat part of its body. In addition, you can use the rhinestones to put your own monogram on the duck's back.

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Step 2

Decorate with tiny beads. Using a foam brush, apply some Mod Podge to one small spot at a time onto the rubber ducky. You can then use tiny, variously colored beads to cover the entire surface of the duck. Instead of the ducky being plain yellow, it can be a rainbow of colored beads. To prevent the beads from falling off, put some more Mod Podge over the top of the beads.


Step 3

Create a themed rubber ducky for an occasion. Giving a themed rubber ducky can be a small, personalized trinket gift that you can do for any occasion. For example, for a birthday, you can paint the age of the recipient and a few balloons on the ducks back. For Christmas, using a foam brush, you can coat the entire rubber ducky with Mod Podge, then cover it with red and green glitter. For Halloween, you can paint a costume onto the ducky.


Step 4

Decoupage the rubber ducky. If you have any leftover paper scraps, for example, those from a magazine, telephone book or map, cut them into strips and adhere them to the rubber ducky. Using a foam brush, apply some Mod Podge to the surface of the duck and adhere the paper. When it dries, use the foam brush to apply another coat of Mod Podge over the top of it to prevent the paper from coming off.


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