How to Clean a Glass Dining Table Surface

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Things You'll Need

  • Lint-free cloths

  • Plastic spoon

  • Damp dish cloth

  • White vinegar

  • Spray bottle

Every speck of dust and food or spot left behind by water tends to be noticeable on a glass dining table, meaning more attention is needed to keep it looking pristine. A homemade glass cleaner such as vinegar and water creates a streak-free shine while loosening caked-on substances such as dried food. If the top of the table has elements made of wood or metal, keep the cleaning liquid from pooling in those areas to avoid rotting wood or rusting metal.


Step 1

Remove any items resting upon the table. Wipe the tabletop down with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove dust, crumbs and debris. Use your free hand to catch debris as you wipe the table down, and deposit the items in the trash.

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Step 2

Scrape hardened food spills with the bowl of a plastic spoon to remove the substance before applying the glass cleaner. Plastic won't scratch the glass. If the hardened substance is stubborn, drizzle water over it and let it set for 10 minutes or so. Scrape again with the plastic spoon, then wipe the spill area with a damp dish cloth.


Step 3

Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the solution over the glass and allow it to sit for a minute or two. If the glass seems dirty or cloudy, increase the proportion of vinegar in the bottle -- even straight vinegar may be used to clean the glass.


Step 4

Wipe the table down with a soft, lint-free cloth to clean the glass. If the table has metal or wood trim, dry those areas thoroughly to ensure no moisture is trapped between the glass and the trim.


If the table seems greasy or grimy, wipe it down first with a mixture of 1 part rubbing alcohol to 5 parts water. The alcohol solution removes some greasy residue and the vinegar solution removes the rest.

For stubborn, caked-on spills, fold a paper towel and soak it with vinegar. Rest the paper towel over the spill for half an hour, then use the paper towel to wipe up the softened substance. Follow up with a lint-free cloth.

Dust the underside of a transparent glass table with a lint-free cloth whenever you dust the top to keep the glass looking its best.


Avoid using harsh abrasives or chemicals on a glass tabletop, as the abrasive may scratch the glass. Strong chemicals may also etch or otherwise damage the glass.


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