When it gets so hot you just can't even think about turning on the oven, this is a recipe to have in your back pocket. It's simple, quick, and so delicious -- you won't be able to stop eating it. Which is good because it's also deceptively healthy. It's isn't everyday that you meet a meal that is quick enough for weeknights, fancy enough for guests, and healthy enough that you can eat as much as you'd like. Which is why you need to keep this one handy; there are so many reasons to pull it out.

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Use the freshest fish you can get your hands on! Fresh fish makes for much tastier ceviche.
Things You'll Need
2 pounds raw shrimp
1 pound fresh tomatoes
2 large jalapeños
1 small white onion
1/4 cup cilantro
2 large limes
4 large lemons
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons red chili sauce (plus more to taste)
Tortilla chips for serving

Make it your own! Shrimp is common when making ceviche but many chefs use red snapper, tilapia, scallops or even salmon. Use what you prefer and even mix in a red pepper, avocado or diced cucumber to make it our own signature ceviche.
Step 1: Chop Shrimp, Juice the Citrus
Peel and devein the shrimp, chop and add to a bowl. Juice the limes until you have about 1/4 cup. Juice the lemons until you have 3/4 cup (1 cup citrus total).
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Step 2: "Cook" the Shrimp in the Citrus
Pour the citrus over the shrimp until fully submerged. Cover and chill until the shrimp have turned white and are "cooked." The acid in citrus will cook the shrimp and make it safe to eat.

Step 3: Chop the Vegetables
Chop the onion, tomato, jalapeño, and cilantro, add to a serving bowl.

Step 4: Combine
Drain the shrimp and add to the vegetables along with the salt and chili sauce. Toss to combine. Add more salt or chili sauce to taste. Serve with tortilla chips.