How to Become a Sculptor

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Become a Sculptor

How to Become a Sculptor. Sculpting is a 3-dimensional art form that has existed for thousands of years. A sculptor can use any of the several methods available to produce a sculpture, including molding, carving or welding the materials into shape. Anyone can become a sculptor after mastering one or more of these methods.


Step 1

Make a decision on the type of sculpting you would like to do. You can create a sculpture out of several different materials, including wood, metal and clay. It is important to select the type of material you are most interested in because each one has a specific process that requires specific tools and equipment.

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Step 2

Look for a workshop that offers a short course on sculpting. The advantage of workshops is that you will learn to sculpt quickly and, since most workshops are held during weekends, the session will not interrupt your normal routine.

Step 3

Search for an art school, community college or university that offers an art program. You may be required to enroll in a certificate or degree program as opposed to you just taking the art classes you are interested in. Visit the International Sculpture Center to search for undergraduate and graduate programs at a school close to you (see Resources below).


Step 4

Learn at your own pace with books and DVDs. There are a large variety of books and DVDs that you can use to learn the different types of sculpting. For instance, you can learn how to create clay figures when you watch "Sculpting a Figure in Clay," available at (see Resources below).


Step 5

Learn to sculpt online. If you don't have enough time to attend a school or a workshop you can register for a class on the Internet. For instance, the Academy of Art University offers Associates and Bachelors programs in fine arts which include classes on sculpting (see Resources below).


Try to become a member of a sculptors association. These associations help both the new and experienced sculptor by sponsoring exhibits and promoting their work. If you would like to become a sculptor without paying for a class, you can learn the various sculpting processes with any of the free tutorials available online.

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