How to Get Mold Off a Mirror

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Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle

  • Paper towels

  • Bucket

  • 2 tablespoons ammonia

  • Clean cloths

Mold can't grow on the clean surface of a mirror.

Mold spores can adhere to tiny particles of dust and dirt on a mirror. A clean mirror isn't conducive to mold growth because the surface isn't porous. But dust and dirt present on the surface of your mirror provide the fungus with a place to grow. To keep your mirror mold-free, you must keep it clean. You can get mold off your mirror with common household supplies, and enjoy your reflection without ugly mold stains ruining the view.


Step 1

Spritz water on the mirror with a spray bottle to prevent mold spores from becoming airborne. Wipe the mold spores off with a paper towel. Discard the paper towel in a sealed trash can.

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Step 2

Household ammonia kills mildew on glass.

Fill a bucket with 1 gallon of warm water. Add 2 tablespoons of ammonia.

Step 3

Dip a clean cloth in the diluted ammonia solution. Wring out the cloth to remove excess moisture.

Step 4

Wipe the surface of the mirror with the ammonia-dampened cloth. Rinse the cloth as mold stains lift off the mirror. Add more ammonia solution and continue to clean the mirror to remove remaining mold spores and stains.


Step 5

Dry the mirror to prevent streaks.

Dry the mirror with another cloth. Buff the glass to a shine with a second cloth, if desired.


Substitute full-strength vinegar or rubbing alcohol to kill mold on the mirror and clean the glass. Regulate excessive humidity in the home with a dehumidifier.


Repeat mold stain removal methods with a light touch instead of scrubbing the glass too hard to avoid breakage.


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