How to Wire a Pine Cone

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Things You'll Need

  • Garden Shears

  • Paddle Wire

  • Wire Cutters

  • Wire cutters

How to Wire a Pine Cone. Pine cones of all sizes and shapes can be used in holiday decorations. How do you attach them to the wreath, garland or swag? The answer is simple - wrap wire around the base of the cone. Here's how.

Step 1

Gather evergreen cones from under pine, redwood, cedar, sugar pine, or other evergreen trees. The scales on the cones should be slightly to fully opened. Tightly closed cones make concealing the wire difficult.


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Step 2

Allow the cones to dry for a few days in a warm, dry area.

Step 3

Cut paddle wire (also called craft wire) into 18- to 24-inch lengths (longer for larger cones).

Step 4

Wrap the wire around the bottom of the cone, slipping the wire between the open scales. One or two wraps will hold all but the heaviest of cones. Twist the wire over itself to secure.

Step 5

Leave the tail of the wire hanging free for attaching your cone to the craft.


Wire all the cones you plan to use for a craft at the same time.

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