What Fertilizer Should I Use on My Lawn in July & August?

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What Fertilizer Should I Use on My Lawn in July & August?
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Cultivating a lush green lawn is a lot of hard work in the spring, but it becomes even more challenging in July and August when the weather gets scorching. Luckily, there are good products to use as July lawn fertilizer and August lawn fertilizer. During those hot months, you have to treat your lawn differently. The process of fertilizing your lawn during the hottest months of the year is a little different from other times of the year.


July and August Lawn Fertilizer

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Because it is so hot during July and August, you don't want to encourage too much new growth in your lawn. Young, fragile grass is less likely to be able to handle the warmer temperatures, and it may easily scorch and die. In addition to that, new growth requires a great deal of water, and in most places, it tends to be less rainy in the late summer. At the same time, though, you need to encourage new growth if the lawn has been dying.

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Nitrogen is a critical ingredient for new grass growth, which makes it a crucial element of any fertilizer that you buy for your lawn. Therefore, the best fertilizer to use in August and July should have appropriate nitrogen levels. When fertilizing your lawn in August and July, be attentive to whether you need to encourage growth. If you do, you must use a fertilizer with high nitrogen.


What Fertilizer Should I Use?

What fertilizer you should use depends on the particulars of your lawn. The best lawn fertilizer will cater to the type of grass you have. Grass types like Bahia are engineered to withstand high heat, so you don't need a lot of nitrogen in the summer if you have something similar. Several great products are available if you're wondering what fertilizer to use in August and July. Some of the best include Scotts Summer Lawn Food and Milorganite, but make sure that you don't use "weed and feed" products during the summer.


Irrigation is more critical than fertilizer in the summer. These months tend to be hot and dry, so you'll need to ensure your lawn gets enough water. This process can be particularly challenging if you live in a drought-prone region, and the local government restricts watering. Pay attention to local regulations and water within your allotted window. You should fertilize your lawn two or three days after you water, so time it accordingly; if your climate is especially hot, fertilize two days after watering.


Summer Lawn Care Tips

Aside from using the correct type of fertilizer, there are many other crucial things that you should do to maintain a gorgeous lawn during the summer. Get your yard ready for the heat by encouraging the most growth in late spring and early summer and give your grass plenty of nitrogen-rich fertilizer for June.


You need to mow more frequently in the summer; however, you can't cut the grass too short, so you should use a high setting for the blade on your mower. The tall grass provides shade for the younger blades, protecting them from the strongest sun. Be aware of brown patches of dead grass that do occur. Pull up any grass you know is dead and then sow new seeds on the spot. Water those seeds daily.


Protect your lawn even more in the summer. Try to make sure kids don't play too rough and pull up the grass with their feet. In addition, you should try to keep pets off the grass, especially if they have to use the bathroom.

