The Most Popular (and Tasty!) Potatoes of TikTok

#PotatoTikTok is filled with delicious ideas for prepping potatoes. From the "15-Hour Potato" to crispy Parmesan sliced potatoes, these recipes are mouthwatering.

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Whether sliced, diced or baked for 15 hours, potatoes are arguably one of the most beloved vegetables on planet Earth. Just when we think we've tried every seasoning and preparation option, something new and delicious pops up in the potato scene—and this is why we love potato TikTok so much. (Yes, of course #PotatoTikTok is a thing.) We did some scrolling and found three terrific tuber recipes à la TikTok to save you the digging.


The "15-Hour Potato" and "Crispy Parmesan Crusted Potatoes" are just two mouthwatering recipes you should try from #PotatoTikTok.
Image Credit: @poppycooks/TikTok and @foodwithhardt/TikTok

Video of the Day

First up is the viral "15-Hour Potato," courtesy of @poppycooks. Poppy layers and bakes thinly sliced potatoes in a baking dish for three hours, sticks them in the refrigerator for 12 hours and finishes by deep frying. Poppy asks, "Is there a more beautiful potato?" We're certainly willing to try this recipe and find out!


The second potato prep idea comes from @foodwithhardt, who created crispy parmesan-crusted potatoes. For this dish, halve small golden spuds and fill a baking dish with butter, spices, herbs and Parmesan cheese. Bake face-down to create the perfect crusted tater—we think fingerling potatoes would be a great choice here. Our mouths are watering just thinking about digging into this crispy goodness.


Our third and final TikTok tater creation comes from @genies_life. For this viral potato recipe, the creator slices russet potatoes, brushes them with oil and seasoning and grills them for five minutes on each side. These would be especially tasty served with a warm cheese sauce and paired with roasted meat. This recipe is also the quickest of the bunch to make, so you can whip it up in a pinch.


We don't know about you, but we're positively pining for some potatoes now—so we're off to try out all three of these TikTok recipes. Later, tater!
