DIY Wild Orange Sugar Body Scrub

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I always get really rough skin in the cooler months of the year, so I started to try out different ways to naturally heal my skin. I created an essential oil scrub with ingredients that are extremely beneficial and very accessible! The results? Well, my legs have never been so smooth. Not kidding!


Video of the Day

Video of the Day

Image Credit: Haley Sheffield

Things You'll Need

  • Wild orange essential oil (use at your discretion — just a few drops will do)

  • 1 cup raw cane or turbo sugar (a rough crystal is great for a scrub)

  • 1/2 cup avocado oil

  • 2 capsules vitamin E oil (optional but a big plus for skin!)

  • Air tight container or jar

Step 1

Add all ingredients to a bowl or container and stir well.

Image Credit: Haley Sheffield

Step 2

Store in an air tight container or jar. I keep mine in the shower and go through it quickly enough that the sugar doesn't crystalize or harden.


Image Credit: Haley Sheffield

Step 3

Use a few times a week and scrub in a circular motion on your skin for a soft and smooth result! There are so many benefits of essential oils. The wild orange can actually be a stress and anxiety reliever, which is a great reason to use this scrub at the start or end of your day!


Image Credit: Haley Sheffield
