8 Ways to Stay Safe with Fireworks

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The Consumer Products Safety Commission reports that between June 21 and July 21, 2013, an average of 240 people a day went to the ER for injuries caused by fireworks. Although the safest choice is to enjoy public fireworks displays operated by professionals, following safety guidelines -- including these from the Consumer Products Safety Commission -- can help prevent accidents if you choose to put on your own fireworks show.

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Be Prepared

Keep a garden hose and a bucket of water close by in case of emergencies.

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Stand Back

Stand to the side of a device as you light it. Never place any part of your body directly over the fuse, and only light one fuse at a time. Immediately back away to a safe distance once the fuse is lit, and keep spectators well away from the firing zone at all times.

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Beware of Sparklers

Sparklers burn at almost 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. Restrict their use to children 12 and older and supervise carefully.

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Douse Duds

Leave duds undisturbed for 20 minutes, then soak them in water for 30 minutes before carefully discarding them. Never try to relight a device that doesn't ignite the first time.

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Store Fireworks Safely

Store fireworks in a cool, dry place far away from flammable materials and the firing area. Set off fireworks in an open area without trees, dry grass or leaves.

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Ignite Carefully

Designate one person to set off the fireworks. Make sure that person wears safety glasses and avoids alcohol.


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