Fun Simple Party Games

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Party games are not just for kids. Simple, classic games work beautifully at parties for adults. Whether you are planning a party for children or adults, games also help break the ice for guests who may not know each other. Usually, one or two games are all you need to get your guests warmed up and ready to enjoy the rest of the evening.


Ice Breaker

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If you're looking for a game that helps guests get to know each other, have everyone sit in a circle. Ask each guest to think of three statements they can make about themselves. One of the three statements must be false. When everyone is prepared, have one person begin; he should speak his three statements and let the guests guess which one is the lie. Move on to the next person once the lie has been discovered.

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This classic game works well at outdoor parties. Use a stick, a string of Christmas lights, a garland or an item that fits your party theme as a limbo stick. Choose two guests to hold up the limbo stick. Turn on music that reflects your party's theme. Your guests should take turns walking under the stick without falling or touching the ground or the stick. Hold the stick high and gradually lower it until no one can get under it. Attach pillows to your guests' stomachs with belts to make the game more challenging.


Hula Hoops

For this young-at-heart game, purchase a few hula hoops and play upbeat music from the 1950s. Hold a contest to see which guest can keep the hula hoop going the longest or which guest can keep the most hula hoops turning on her body at one time.


Guessing Game

Gather a large pad of paper, a fat black marking pen, pens or pencils, index cards, a bowl and a timer. Have each guest write a word on an index card, fold it in half and place it in a bowl. Divide the guests into two teams. The first player should remove an index card from the bowl, then try to draw a picture that will help his team guess the word on the card. If he fails, he should hand his index card to a player on the opposite team. The team that guesses the word first gains a point. The team with the most points wins.



Spice up your party with a game of charades. Ideas include popular songs, movie titles, places and animals. Fold each index card and place it in a bowl. The first guest should draw a card and act out a word or phrase so her team can try to guess it. Set a timer for a desired number of minutes, or the game might go on all night. If the timer goes off and no one has guessed the correct word or phrase, the next team gets a turn. For each correctly guessed charade, the team gets a point. The team with the most points wins.

