If graduation time is approaching for your friend or loved one, you owe it to them to throw an all-out spectacular, memorable graduation party. You probably think party games are only for small children's birthday parties or summer family reunions, but there are plenty of very appropriate and very entertaining games for graduation parties. You don't have to worry about the weather with these games; all are designed to be played indoors.

Match The Year
Gather many pictures of the graduate from all of the years up to the his or her matriculation. Arrange the pictures on a table and place a poster board on a wall with each year written in columns at the top. Have guests match the pictures to the year and let the graduate tell them how many are correct.

Guess Who
Write the name of a teacher/professor on a sticky note. Attach the note to the back of a guest back when that guest arrives. The guest has to ask yes-or-no questions and guess who the person is by the end of the night. This works best if the party is mostly graduates who would all know the teacher. Also, the graduate would be a good target as the center of this game.

Mortarboard Catch
Have the graduate or graduates put back on their mortarboards. Give guests small plastic disks or coins to toss onto the mortarboard. The first person to land a coin on the mortarboard gets a prize. This is a very challenging yet entertaining game.

Diploma Passing Game
Roll up two large, white posterboards and tie them with a red ribbon, so that they look like large diplomas. Divide guests into two groups and have them sit on the ground in a vertical line facing the front of the room. The person at the front of each line gets the diploma. The object of the game is for the diploma to be passed to the back of the line using only the guest's feet. They cannot turn around, but must pass the diploma behind them for the next person to grab with their feet. The first team to do this and get the diploma to the last person wins. This game is definitely for more able-bodied guests.

Pass the Parcel
Wrap up a gift and have the guests sit in a circle. They must pass the gift around while music plays. Whoever has the gift when the music stops wins.

Diploma Search
Roll up several sheets of white paper like diplomas and tie them with red ribbons. You will need at these 20 to 30 of these. Place the diplomas into a large, plastic bin and cover them with packing peanuts or torn newspaper to fill up the bin. Have two guests standing behind the bin and two standing about 10 feet in front of the bin. The guests behind the bin must search for diplomas to toss while the guests in front of the bin must catch the diplomas once they are thrown. The pair that both finds and catches the most wins.

Famous Person
Have each guest pretend to be a famous person. This could be a celebrity, political figure or relative. The other guests have to try to guess who the person is pretending to be.

Blindfold Pom Pom Ball Game
For this you will need two large, clear bowls. Fill one with pom pom balls and leave the other empty. Have the players attempt to transfer the pom pom balls to the other bowl using a spoon. The trick is the person must do so while blindfolded.

Eat the Chocolate
You will need a large chocolate bar for each guest, an assortment of clothing (a large hat, a coat, gloves and a scarf would do nicely), dice and a knife and fork for each guest. Have each guest roll the dice until one person gets a six. When that person rolls a six, they have to put on the clothing and eat the chocolate bar with the knife and fork. They must keep eating until another person rolls a six. There are no prizes, just the chance to eat chocolate. This is better for older children and adults.
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