Things to Make With Corn Starch

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Cornstarch is the ground up endosperm from corn

From baking to making crafts, cornstarch is a household item you never want to be out of. Cornstarch is a natural byproduct of corn, making it a safe ingredient in home remedies, children's crafts and cleaning products. There are a handful of ways you can use cornstarch at home.


Cooking With Cornstarch

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Cornstarch is gluten free and can be substituted for flour

Use cornstarch in baking and cooking recipes. Cornstarch is gluten-free and does not change the flavor of foods when substituted for flour. It has twice the thickening power of flour and can be used as a gravy and pudding thickener.

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Cornstarch Remedies

Cornstarch soothes diaper rash

Cornstarch is one of the main ingredients in baby powder, due to its ability to heal diaper rash. It also plays a vital role in soothing sunburns, poison ivy and rashes. Mix ¼ cup of cornstarch with 3 tbsp. of water and create a paste to apply to rashes and irritated skin.


Cleaning With Corn Starch

Use cornstarch to clean windows

If you need to clean your windows, mix cornstarch with ammonia and white vinegar for a cleaning solution. Dry cornstarch works as a gentle abrasive for cleaning glass, metal and aluminum pots and pans. It can also be mixed with water to produce a paste for polishing silver.


Cornstarch Crafts

Make an edible cornstarch fingerpaint

Cornstarch is a safe product for making child-friendly crafts. Children can make homemade clay by mixing cornstarch with water and mixing it until it forms a thick, starchy consistency. It can also be made into edible finger paint by mixing it with a small amount of sugar, water and food coloring.

