How to Celebrate a Farewell Party at a School

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Things You'll Need

  • Cake

  • Juice boxes

  • Cooler

  • Ice

  • Plastic tablecloth

  • 25 to 30 balloons

  • Ribbon

  • Tableware

  • Plates

  • Napkins

  • Party favors

  • Cards with your new address printed on them

  • Digital camera

  • Address book

Balloons make any party a festive one, and can make saying goodbye a little easier.

If you're looking at moving to a new house, your child may have to switch schools. Saying goodbye isn't easy, but having a farewell party for your child and her classmates is. Make the occasion festive and take plenty of pictures so she can look back on her memories of her school and classmates with happiness.


Step 1

Arrange with your child's teacher a suitable time for an in-class party. After lunch or late afternoons are often the best times for a school party. If you can, schedule it right after an extra class, such as gym or art, so you can decorate the classroom and set up the party while the children are out of the room.

Video of the Day

Step 2

The day before the party, make a cake (or pick up a premade one to save time). Put a variety of juice boxes in your refrigerator the night before so they will be cold for the party.

Step 3

On the day of the party, take your supplies and refreshments to school at least a half hour prior to the arranged start time. Use a cooler loaded with ice to transport the juice boxes, particularly in warmer weather. Set up one big table for the cake using your tablecloth. Blow up the balloons and tape one to each child's desk.


Step 4

Set out your plates and plastic tableware, and begin serving refreshments when the kids are back in the classroom and seated. Let your child enjoy socializing with her classmates while they eat.

Step 5

At the end of the party, hand out your party favors. Inside each one, include a card with your child's name and her new address on it. Encourage the children to send her cards or write her letters. If your child has a cell phone, feel free to include her phone number for texting as well.


Step 6

Take pictures throughout the party, and a group photo at the end. Write down the teacher's email address so you can send her a digital copy of the photo that she can share with the class.

Step 7

Send around an address book for your child's classmates to fill in so he can send them letters once you are settled into your new home.


Print off pictures after your move that your child can put into a photo album of his own.


Try to keep the mood light, but expect a little sadness too, either towards the end of the party or after your return home.


Video of the Day
