Fogger Odor Removal

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Just because bug bombs kill roaches effectively doesn't mean you want to smell them forever.

Many times, the only cure for an infestation of ants, roaches or other pests is to get out of the house for a day and set off bug bombs or foggers. Even when the toxic fumes subside, you may have a residual odor in your house that just won't go away. If you want to get rid of the smell for good, try this -- ironically, it's similar to the solution for getting a pet's odor out of carpet so he won't go to the bathroom there again.


Step 1

Pour a half-inch to an inch of white vinegar into several small bowls.

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Step 2

Place them around the area that has the odor of the old fogger. Two or three should take care of a bedroom or small parlor; add some as you add square footage.

Step 3

Shut as many doors and windows as you can that lead into the area with the odor. You might think that "airing the place out" is the best idea. It often is, but if you have residual odor and are using vinegar, you have to shut the fresh air out.

Step 4

Open the rooms back up after 24 to 48 hours. The odor should be gone, or at least vastly dissipated. If you still have a problem, put some white vinegar into an old Windex bottle and spray gently around the room, into nooks and drawers where the vinegar in bowls didn't have a chance to suck the smells out of the air.

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