How to Create Your Own BeDazzler Patterns

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Things You'll Need

  • Pencil

  • Sketch paper

  • Colored markers

  • Item to be BeDazzled

  • Variety of studs and rhinestones

  • BeDazzler

BeDazzle a pattern onto your jeans like the one shown here.

If you've ever watched television in the middle of the night, there's a good chance you're familiar with the infamous gadget known as the BeDazzler. Used to decorate clothing, purses, aprons, handkerchiefs, shoes and other objects with a variety of studs and clear and colored rhinestones, the BeDazzler lets you create any design you desire. Before you get down to some serious BeDazzling, however, it's best to create a detailed design to guide your way.


Step 1

Place your item on a flat surface and choose the area you want to decorate. Pockets, collars, hemlines, cuffs and seams are good locations to accent with rhinestones and studs.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Lay a piece of paper on the area you want to decorate and make a quick sketch of your design, drawing a small circle to indicate the placement of each adornment.

Step 3

Color in your sketch using markers to indicate the color of each rhinestone.

Step 4

Sort through your supplies and ensure that you have an adequate supply of each item in the appropriate color or pattern before you begin BeDazzling.


Step 5

Lay your adornments out on top of the sketch you've drawn to replicate your pattern completely.

Step 6

Grab your BeDazzler, pick up one stud or rhinestone at a time and place it in the proper position on your garment. Use the BeDazzler to secure it in place until you've completed your design.


Check the underside of your garment when finished to ensure that there are no sharp edges sticking up on the back of your studs and rhinestones. Press any protruding parts firmly into place with the back of a teaspoon.


Wash BeDazzled items on the gentlest care setting available.


Video of the Day
