How to Broil Chicken Kabobs

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Things You'll Need

  • Skewers

  • Marinade (optional)

  • Broiler or roasting pan

  • Oven mitts

Chicken kabobs make a quick, healthful meal.

Chicken kabobs make a good change of pace from the common baked chicken meal and are easily adapted to any number of seasoning combinations. From South American-themed spicy chili rubs to aromatic Indian and Asian flavors, variety helps keep this inexpensive and easily prepared dinner on the menu without the family tiring of it. Similar to the barbecue and just as quick, using a broiler for chicken kabobs can put dinner on the table in just about 10 minutes once the cooking begins.


Step 1

If using wooden skewers, soak in water for at least 30 minutes to prevent the wood from catching fire in the oven. If marinating the kabobs, this step will not be necessary.

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Step 2

Marinate the kabobs for 30 minutes to 1 hour before cooking if desired. Choose any number of marinade recipes, from simple bottled teriyaki sauce to a marinade of orange juice, soy sauce and sesame seeds, or coconut milk, lime juice and fresh cilantro. When marinating, keep the kabobs submerged in the liquid for best results.

Step 3

Place the broiler pan onto the rack closest to the broiler flame and preheat the oven for at least 10 minutes. Use a plain roasting pan if a broiler pan is not available. Line with foil for easy cleanup.

Step 4

Open the oven door and pull the broiler pan out with oven mitts. Place the kabobs on the broiler pan and slide back into the oven. If no marinade is used, brush the kabobs with a light coating of vegetable oil and seasoning, such as fresh rosemary or a rub of Cajun or Middle Eastern spices.


Step 5

Broil the kabobs for 8 to 10 minutes, turning once halfway through the cooking process. When turning the kabobs, baste with a small amount of the marinade for better flavor. Discard the marinade after using and do not serve along with the kabobs; raw chicken has been soaking in it and it could cause food poisoning.


Step 6

Remove the kabobs from the oven and allow them to rest for 5 minutes before serving. Serve kabobs on their own as appetizers or over a bed of rice as an entrée.


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