Things You'll Need
Small bowl
Steel wire brush
Microfiber cloth
Pipe cleaner
Rubber dish gloves (optional)
Face mask (optional)

Brass misting nozzles are often attached to the ends of garden hoses or sprinkler heads to create a soft, airy flow of water. They may also be affixed to overhead water lines to cool down spectators at outdoor summer events such as concerts or air shows. Over time, mineral deposits may form within the hole at the tip of the nozzle, resulting in a tight clog. To prevent damage to the nozzle or fixture as a result of increased water pressure, remove and clean the clog.
Step 1
Remove the brass misting nozzle from the hose, sprinkler head or water line.
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Step 2
Fill a small bowl with vinegar and place the nozzle in it, ensuring that the tip is submerged. Allow it to soak in the vinegar for roughly five minutes.
Step 3
Scrub inside of the tip with a steel wire scrub brush to clean away any mineral deposits that have not yet been dissolved. Place the nozzle back in the vinegar for two to three minutes.
Step 4
Rinse the nozzle with fresh water and dry with a microfiber cloth.
Step 5
Dry the inside of the tip with a piece of pipe cleaner.
Vinegar also acts as a powerful brass cleaning and polishing agent. Rub the brass with your microfiber cloth to increase its shine.
Clean the misting nozzle regularly to prevent future clogs.
Vinegar has a very potent smell and can be slightly abrasive to sensitive skin. Use a face mask and rubber dish gloves if you desire.
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