How to Paint on Wine Glasses Without Leaving Brush Strokes

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Things You'll Need

  • Dish soap

  • Towel

  • Isopropyl alcohol

  • Cotton swabs

  • Wine glass stencil

  • Masking tape

  • Fine-tipped paintbrush

  • Thermo-hardening glass paint

  • Sponge

Enhance clear wine glasses by painting them.

Most wine glasses do not feature colorful decorations on the glass surfaces. Some hobbyists like to paint wine glasses in a variety of shapes and colors to create distinctive decorations. Although creating artwork on glass may seem intimidating, with the right tools, materials and techniques, almost anyone can decorate a wine glass without leaving unattractive streaks or brush strokes in the paint.


Step 1

Wash the wine glass with dish soap and water. Rinse it in hot water, immerse the glass in soapy water and rub it all over with your fingers. Rinse the glass again with hot water to remove any soap film. Turn the glass upside down on a towel or drying rack to let it air dry for at least 30 minutes.


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Step 2

Moisten the cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol. Rub the swab over the glass to apply the alcohol to the entire surface. Turn the glass upside down on the towel and allow it to air dry for at least 30 minutes.

Step 3

Bring one end of the stencil sheet over to the other to form a roll, putting the stencil on the outside of the roll. Place the wine glass right side up and put the stencil roll into the bowl. Adust the pattern on the stencil before securing it onto the glass with masking tape.


Step 4

Mix the paint well with the blunt end of the paintbrush. Well-mixed, thick paint will adhere better to the glass and will help you avoid brush strokes and drips.

Step 5

Apply the paint to the wine glass with the fine-tipped paintbrush. Load plenty of paint onto the brush's tip, but remove excess paint to avoid messy application. Paint the edges of the stencil first and use the sponge to carefully dab away mistakes. Re-load the brush with paint frequently to avoid streaks and brush strokes.


Step 6

Wait 20 to 30 minutes for the paint to dry on the glass before painting another layer. Some paints are so thin that they require several layers of paint to cover brush strokes effectively. Depending upon the paint you're using, one layer may be enough. If you cannot see brush strokes in the dried paint, you have applied enough paint.


Step 7

Remove the stencil from the wine glass after the paint has dried for at least 30 minutes. Bake the glass in the oven for the temperature and time listed in the product recommendations.


Thoroughly wash the glass before and after this project. The paint will not adhere properly if the glass is dirty. Washing the glass after painting ensures that you remove any loose residue and chemicals from the glass. Use light brush strokes with plenty of paint on the brush. Use a high-quality swab when applying isopropyl alcohol so the cotton does not disintegrate as you use the swab.


Be patient when painting a wine glass. Painting too fast may lead to mistakes and visible brush strokes.


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