How to End a French Drain

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French drains direct water away from important areas on your property, such as buildings and gardens, so that standing water does not cause any damage. The drains consist of lined trenches that sit on an incline and aim the water downhill toward some sort of outlet. To end a French drain, you must find a spot on your property where water can stand without creating problems for plants, animals or structures. The best spot for this varies, depending on what resources you have available in your landscape.


Step 1

End the French drain at a low-lying water source, such as a pond or lake, if you have one on your property. If you do end your French drain at a pond or lake, make sure the opening of the French drain sits above the water level. The water will roll down the drain and empty harmlessly into the water.

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Step 2

Aim the French drain toward a low-lying spot on your property where standing water will not do any damage. If you have a grassy field on your property, for instance, in which you are not growing plants or keeping animals, standing water won't be an issue.

Step 3

Install a T-shaped pipe at the end of the French drain. A T-shaped pipe, according to Washington University, will divert the water that runs down the drain into two different directions, giving the water a wider area and more time to soak into the soil before it becomes an issue. To install a T-shaped pipe at the end of the French drain, attach a T-shaped connector to the end of the piping used in the French drain. To spread the water over an even larger area, you can add additional length of pipe to the sides of the T-shaped pipe to aim the water in opposite directions.

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