How to Clean Gummy Wooden Kitchen Cupboards

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Things You'll Need

  • Dish soap

  • White vinegar

  • Nylon sponge with scrubbing pad

  • Cleaning rags

Clean gummy residue off wooden cabinets with a homemade cleaning solution.

Wooden cabinets in the kitchen area sometimes develop a "gummy" residue that accumulates as a result of grease, food residue and other elements that settle onto the surface of the cabinets. To remove this grime, you want to use something that safely scrubs off the buildup without harming the wood. Stay away from metal and wire scrubbing pads, as these will quickly remove the gummy residue and also scratch your wooden finish.


Step 1

Fill the kitchen sink with 2 gallons water, 2 cups white vinegar and 2 tbsp. dish soap.

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Step 2

Dip a nylon sponge with scrubbing pad into the mixture, and squeeze out the sponge.

Step 3

Scrub over the wooden cabinets with the rough side of your sponge, and continue until you remove all of the gummy residue. Dip the sponge back into the solution every minute or so to remove excess residue and saturate with fresh cleaning solution. Also drain and refill the cleaning solution if the water becomes extremely soiled.

Step 4

Wipe off the cabinets with a damp cleaning rag after all residue is removed, and dry the cabinets with a clean rag.

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