Things You'll Need
Vacuum with wand and brush attachment
2-gallon bucket
Dish detergent
Soft-bristled cleaning brush
Garden hose with spray nozzle
Washing soda

Stucco is a durable finish to walls and ceilings that lasts for decades. The decorative finish gives the impression it will be difficult to clean, when in reality it can be done with relative ease. Use the same methods to clean painted stucco as to clean unpainted stucco.
Cleaning Inside Stucco
Step 1
Vacuum stucco ceilings and walls using a wand extension for your vacuum and a brush attachment on the end. The brush keeps the wand from chipping the stucco.
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Step 2
Prepare a cleaning solution of 2 qts. warm water, and 1/4 cup dish detergent in a 1-gallon bucket.
Step 3
Scrub off stains and fingerprints using a soft-bristled cleaning brush. Dip the brush in the cleaning solution and gently scrub.
Cleaning Outdoor Stucco
Step 1
Wet the entire stucco surface using a garden hose with nozzle attachment. Start from the bottom and work your way up to the top.
Step 2
Spray the wall uniformly, loosening and washing off the dirt from the top to the bottom. Spray once again to remove any dirt left behind.
Step 3
Mix a solution of 1 gallon water with 1/2 cup dish detergent and 1/2 cup washing soda into a 2-gallon bucket.
Step 4
Scrub any stains or leftover dirt by dipping a soft-bristled brush into the solution.
Step 5
Spray down the entire wall once again, starting from the top. Rinse all traces of dirty water completely away.
Vacuum with an attention to detail, as inside stucco can be an attractive place for spiders.
Clean stains immediately, as stucco is porous and stains can penetrate, making it difficult or impossible to remove later.
Spray stucco from bottom to top to avoid the stucco absorbing dirty water that will run down from the top.
Don't use a high-pressure sprayer, as it could chip the surface of the stucco.
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