How to Insulate a Casement Window

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Things You'll Need

  • Rags

  • Water

  • Dish soap

  • Tape measure

  • Self-adhesive weatherstripping

  • Scissors

Insulating any type of window can help lower energy bills and save homeowners money. Whether it be the cold air in the winter or the warm air in the summer, the elements always finds a way to get into the house, particularly through older windows. Casement windows can be insulated to help prevent air from getting through. By following just a few quick tips, homeowners can lower their energy bills in mere minutes.


Step 1

Open the casement window by turning the crank located inside the house along the sill. Turn it clockwise until the window opens completely.

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Step 2

Clean both sides of the window along with the top and bottom.Wet a rag with water and add a little dish soap to the rag. Run the rag up each side of the window and also along both the top and the bottom. Scrub away any grease or residue. Having a clean surface will ensure that the adhesive properly sticks to the window frame.

Step 3

Dry off the frame with a clean, dry rag and measure the area of the frame to determine how much weatherstripping you will need. Add up the measurements of each side along with the width of the top and bottom to figure out how much adhesive will be used.

Step 4

Apply adhesive to the frame beginning at one corner of the window and working toward the top. Continue across the top and down the other side of the window. Finish by coming across the bottom sill of the window and cutting the adhesive with scissors when complete.


Step 5

Push down on the adhesive around the entire window to ensure it has been properly secured to the frame of the window. This will create a tight bond between the weatherstripping and the window for maximum insulation.


Apply the adhesive stripping only if the temperature is greater than 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Otherwise, the stripping will not properly adhere to the window.


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