How to Stop Mold in a Mobile Home

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A mobile home vulnerable to mold growth exposes residents to potential health risks, ranging from mild to severe. Children and individuals with asthmatic allergies are more vulnerable to molds than others. Sneezing, cough, irritation of eyes and nose, and watery eyes can indicate mold allergy. In individuals with asthma, mold allergy can trigger asthma symptoms, resulting in shortness of breath, cough, sneezing, and tightness of chest. Molds thrive in dampness and moisture-laden areas. Foods and surfaces such as wood, paper, carpets and walls are all favorable places for mold growth. While complete elimination of indoor molds is not possible, some precautionary steps can help control mold growth in a mobile home.


Step 1

Control dampness inside your mobile home. Repair leaking taps; wipe water spills; and dry wet areas or objects within 24 to 48 hours. Avoid accumulation of damp clothing to prevent mold growth on fabric. Such action prevents mold growth in a maximum of cases.

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Step 2

Maintain low humidity levels indoors. Relative humidity level between 30 to 50 percent is ideal. Measure relative humidity using a humidity meter; this device can be purchased at hardware stores. Provide vents emitting contents outdoors for bathrooms and moisture-creating appliances such as cloth driers or stoves, to control humidity indoors. Use a dehumidifier to control humidity indoors.


Step 3

Prevent condensation within your mobile home. Controlling humidity levels as described in the preceding step is one way to prevent condensation. Allow free flow air in the mobile home by opening doors and windows whenever possible. Mobile homes typically are compact structures with low ceilings, and as such there isn't much space for indoor air to move. Usage of low-power exhaust fans does not provide enough ventilation.


Step 4

Increase the temperature of air-using heat systems and simultaneously open the windows to keep moisture in the air and prevent the moisture from settling on any other surface such as windows.

Step 5

Prevent moisture accumulation beneath mobile homes, especially during rainy conditions. Mobile homes have skirting built around their bases. Moisture, if allowed to stagnate here, can pass into the living area, which presents favorable conditions for mold growth. Use skirting vents to prevent accumulation of moisture. Use a plastic ground cover to prevent the soil moisture from pervading.


Avoid aquariums and plants indoors as they produce great amounts of moisture.


Ignoring molds can be detrimental to health.

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