How to Bend PVC Trim

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Things You'll Need

  • Heat gun

  • Clamps

  • Safety goggles

  • Gloves

  • Tape measure

  • PVC trim

Because of its low maintenance and durability, PVC trim continues to grow in popularity. Once installed, PVC trim lasts considerably longer than wood and poses few hassles. The installation process for PVC trim is similar to the method for wood trim, including the use of the same caulk and sealants. PVC trim has the ability to bend, allowing it to be used in many types of installation situations. Homeowners can perform the bending technique easily. Follow standard safety procedures. The heat used to bend the trim can be extremely dangerous.


Step 1

Determine the size of the area where the bent piece of trim is going to be installed. Measure the area with a tape measure to determine the angle of the bend and how it is going to be made.

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Step 2

Select the appropriate piece of molding. Place it on a table or flat surface. Turn on the heat gun. Start on one end of the trim, working toward the other. Do not stay in one place too long, as the trim will burn.


Step 3

When the PVC trim has been heated up enough begin forming the trim into the proper shape with clamps. Clamp the trim down to the table at the proper spot. Continue heating slowly until the form has bent into place.

Step 4

Allow the PVC at least an hour to cool down before touching it. The trim will be extremely hot. Repeat this process for any other pieces of trim that need to be bent.


Depending on the type of PVC trim being used, bending time may vary. For thicker trim, such as baseboard and doorjambs, bending time will take considerably longer than thinner trim, such as casing and smaller trim pieces. Safety goggles are recommended when working with a heat gun. Gloves also are encouraged.
Try a sample piece first to determine exactly how much will need to be bent to fit the radius.


Be extremely careful when using a heat gun, as it can be very dangerous. Keep children clear from the area and out of harm's way when the heat gun is on.

The melting temperature of PVC is about 330 degrees Fahrenheit.


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