How to Organize an 80th Birthday Party

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Things You'll Need

  • Invitations

  • Birthday cake

  • Antipasto foods

  • Coffee

  • Bottled spring water

  • Sparkling fruit punch

  • Punch bowl

  • Blank CDs

Senior woman celebrating birthday
Image Credit: David Sacks/Lifesize/Getty Images

An 80th birthday party represents a celebrant's lifetime achievement as much as another year in the world. Organize an 80th birthday party with a complete focus on the birthday person. Gather the guest of honor's closest friends and family members. Create a birthday theme that emphasizes the celebrant's values. Use your 80th birthday theme for invitations, gifts and activities.


Step 1

Woman holding family photos
Image Credit: Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images

Create an appropriate 80th birthday party theme. Select, for example, "A Stroll down Memory Lane" or "This is Your Life." Use your theme slogan on invitations.

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Step 2

Woman reading invitation
Image Credit: Andrew Olney/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Make or purchase 80th birthday party invitations. Select invitations with elegant style. Extend your invitation by writing:


Earl Madison Requests the pleasure of your company At his 80th birthday celebration On Saturday, December 23 At 4:00 PM Bring your fond memories For an afternoon strolling down memory lane RSVP

Send the invitations two or three weeks in advance of the party.


Step 3

Family looking and album
Image Credit: Jack Hollingsworth/Photodisc/Getty Images

Arrange for a birthday gift with meaning and value for an 80-year-old celebrant. Create an online memory book or make a hardcover scrapbook filled with photos, news clippings from the past and handwritten guest memories. Contact family and friends a month in advance, asking for items to include in the book of memories.


Step 4

Woman shopping for fruit
Image Credit: Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images

Arrange a menu. Keep refreshments simple and healthy. Make or order, for example, an antipasto and a fresh fruit platter. Serve fresh-brewed coffee, bottled spring water and sparkling fruit punch. Order the birthday person's favorite cake, adjusting for dietary requirements, such as diabetes, or a need for heart-healthy foods.


Step 5

Family dancing at birthday party
Image Credit: Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Make a playlist of the celebrant's favorite music. Use an online music service to search for songs. Use a computer media player to burn an 80th birthday CD to play during the party. Give the CD to the guest of honor for future enjoyment. Encourage guests and the celebrant to dance, if possible.


Sign up with a free online party planner to help keep you organized.

Place a time limit on the festivities. Include the information in your invitations.

Let the birthday person know what to expect on the day of the party.

Suggest gifts fitting the theme, such as a memory book or a custom family and friends scrapbook or photo album.


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