How to Clean Citronella From Trex Decking

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Things You'll Need

  • Garden hose

  • Bucket

  • Dish detergent or all-purpose cleaner

  • Soft-bristled scrub brush

Trex decking is made from recycled wood and plastic, designed to mimic the appearance of natural wood. It's durability and resistance to weather makes it ideal for outdoor applications. Citronella oil from tiki torches and candles can spill on your Trex deck, and should be cleaned within seven days to prevent staining. A few basic cleaning supplies are all that's needed to remove the citronella spill and restore the appearance of your Trex deck.


Step 1

Spray the deck with a garden hose to remove any excess oil.

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Step 2

Fill a bucket with 1 gallon warm water and add 1/4 cup dish detergent or all-purpose cleaner.

Step 3

Dip a soft-bristled scrub brush into the solution and scrub the deck using a circular motion to remove the citronella.

Step 4

Rinse away the soap residue with a garden hose.


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