How to Remove Silverskin From Venison

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A peeled venison roast cooks and absorbs flavors more evenly.

Silverskin is the white connective tissue layer on the outside of many cuts of meat. Cut the inedible membrane away from meats, such as venison, prior to marinating to allow for full penetration of flavors and to prevent the meat from curling when cooked. Taking the time to carefully pull all the silverskin from venison delivers a more tender and flavorful final product.


Step 1

Cut into the edge of the venison just below the surface of the silverskin until you are able to pinch and lift an inch-wide corner of the silverskin.

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Step 2

Pull the membrane taught back toward where the corner was lifted at an angle of approximately 30 degrees. Run the blade of the knife between the silverskin and the venison meat at the same angle the membrane is being held. Apply light pressure with the knife's edge and allow the two surfaces to slowly separate until the strip is cut away.

Step 3

Move to a new section on the venison to remove the next strip of silverskin. Start a corner on the same side of the venison piece as before and continue carefully lifting 1-inch strips until all the silverskin is gone.


Venison should be aged with the silverskin intact to hold in moisture and provide an inedible wrapper that you can remove before cooking. Some butchers are willing to remove the silverskin from venison for their customers upon request.

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