Recycling paper is a fun and easy project for those who want to go green. Paper can be shredded and used to create other materials that are useful, including insulation. Most people are familiar with cellulose fiber as the type of insulation that is blown into an attic space. Cellulose fiber insulation can also be applied to wall spaces. In addition, cellulose is useful in making homemade paper, paper mache and in other crafting applications.

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Things You'll Need
Adhesive Or Boric Acid Paste
Paper Shredder
Large Plastic Zipper Bag
Step 1
Separate the newspaper into the black and white newsprint sheets and the glossy colored pages. Discard or set aside the glossy colored papers.
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Step 2
Feed several sheets of the black and white newsprint pages through a paper shredder. Repeat this process until you have enough shredded paper for your needs.
Step 3
Place the shredded newsprint in a large plastic bag. If you are planning on using the cellulose fiber for paper mache, add the adhesive to the bag. For those who want to use cellulose fiber for insulation, add boric acid paste to the bag. Close the bag with the zipper seal and knead the adhesive or boric acid paste into the shredded paper.
Step 4
Dry the shredded pad paper cellulose completely if you are using it for insulation. Use the material wet for paper mache projects.
Boric acid is readily available at online shops in a powder form. Thinned school glue makes excellent adhesive for paper mache. Other types of paper may be used to make shredded paper cellulose, though newspaper has the best all-around properties for paper cellulose. Shredded paper cellulose can be easily applied by most moderately-skilled homeowners in basic home insulation projects. Shredded paper cellulose insulation is considered one of the most environmentally friendly insulation options.
Avoid breathing boric acid powder or cellulose fibers as there is a potential for lung damage.