How to Quick Thaw Lobster Tails

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Things You'll Need

  • Waterproof plastic wrap

  • Bowl

  • Microwave

Thaw lobster tails completely before you cook them.

Lobster tails need to be thawed properly in order for the lobster to cook. The meat inside the lobster tail will taste rubbery and tough if you do not thaw it properly. The lobster can also spoil when you thaw the lobster improperly. Lobster needs to be thawed slowly and it needs to remain cool to preserve the fresh meat and prevent bacteria from growing. Once you thaw the lobster properly, you can cook it with your preferred method.


Step 1

Remove the wrapping from the lobster tail.

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Step 2

Wrap the lobster tail in a waterproof plastic wrap. Cover the lobster tail completely with the plastic so the tail cannot be exposed to water.


Step 3

Place the lobster tail under cool running water so that it will defrost quickly. You can also place it in a bowl of cold water for one hour.

Step 4

Defrost the lobster in the microwave. If you need to defrost the lobster tail more quickly, place it in the microwave and use the defrost setting. Place the lobster tail in the microwave for three minutes for each half pound.


If you thaw the lobster tail in the microwave, you must cook it immediately to prevent bacteria from forming.

If you have time to spare, it is best to thaw the lobster tail in the refrigerator. Place the tail in a covered bowl in the refrigerator. Allow it to thaw overnight.


Do not leave shellfish sitting out at room temperature.


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