How to Cook Pork Chops in a Rotisserie Basket

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Pork chops before cooking.

Rotisserie baskets allow you to cook a variety of foods that you could not normally cook in a revolving rotisserie. There are a number of small rotisseries on the market today, and they all work in much the same way. Cooking pork chops in a rotisserie basket will take less than an hour.


Step 1

Season the pork chops, as desired. Place the pork chops in a single layer inside the flat rotisserie basket.

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Step 2

Assemble the basket onto the rods of the rotisserie according to the manufacturer's instructions. This is usually accomplished by sliding the rods through special hooks on the basket and then sliding the end piece of the rotisserie assembly into place.

Step 3

Place the rotisserie assembly into the appliance.

Step 4

Turn on the rotisserie oven to medium and allow the pork chops to cook 32 to 33 minutes for medium-well pork chops or 42 to 44 minutes for well-done.


Step 5

Use a meat thermometer at the end of the cooking time to insure doneness. Medium pork chops will read 160 degrees F on the thermometer and well-done will register 170 degrees.


The flat basket accessory can be used to cook steak, chicken parts, seafood and fish as well as for pork chops.

When using a rotisserie appliance, always insure that is it placed on a level countertop and away from curtains or other flammable objects.

Always allow the rotisserie to cool completely before disassembly for cleaning.

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