How To Plant Bamboo in Texas

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Things You'll Need

  • Soil pH test

  • Shovel

  • Lime

  • Sulfur

  • Tiller

  • Mulch

  • Fertilizer

Planting Bamboo in Texas

Bamboo makes an effective plant for contributing privacy and a tropical feel to landscaping. Because many homes in Texas are either in rural or close suburban neighborhoods, neighbors can easily look through windows. There are two types of bamboo that can be planted, according to the Texas Bamboo Society. Running bamboo has one main stem jetting from the root system, while clumping bamboo has several trunks which branch up. Plant bamboo to create an idyllic setting for relaxing.


Step 1

Choose between planting clumping or running bamboo. Clumping bamboo shoots (grows) in the summer and prefer tropical or semi-tropical weather, which is predominant in southern Texas. Running bamboo are better suited for northern Texas, which sees colder winters. They also shoot in the springtime, rather than the summer months.

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Step 2

Choose an area of the yard that receives full sunlight and has well draining soil. Grab a handful of soil and squeeze. Soil that releases water droplets must be amended with 6 inches of both compost and builder's soil that is worked into the top 6 inches of planting soil.

Step 3

Conduct a pH soil test on the growing area. Bamboo thrives in a pH range of 6.5. Purchase a pH soil testing kit from your local county extension office. Dig a 6-inch hole to collect samples from the bottom. Mail the samples off to the laboratory's address provided on the kit and wait a few weeks for the results. Add lime to soil that is too acidic and sulfur to alkaline soil.


Step 4

Dig a hole that is twice the diameter of the bamboo's root ball and at the same depth as the plant is planted in the container. Lift the bamboo up from the container and break up its roots with a garden fork. Place the bamboo in the hole and pack the soil around its base. Spread 6 inches of mulch around the bamboo to lock in moisture and keep weeds at bay. Use a mulch that has low acidic properties like pine bark.


Step 5

Fertilize your bamboo in the spring with a slow releasing palm tree fertilizer. Spread the fertilizer around the base of the bamboo tree and water thoroughly. Apply fertilizer again in six to eight weeks according to the directions until the winter months.


Plant your bamboo as quickly after you remove it from the container to avoid drying out the root system.


Avoid using any fertilizer that contains salts or boron to prevent burning the root system.


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