How to Clean a Leather Purse Soaked in Alcohol

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Things You'll Need

  • Saddle soap

  • Pure white soap flakes

  • 2 soft cloths

Leather can be expensive and getting it stained can be bothersome.

Leather is expensive and easy to stain. If you stain it, you may not want to spend the money to take it to a professional cleaner. For this reason, you may choose to clean your leather purse at home. A leather purse with excessive alcohol stains can be cleaned using relatively easy-to-find ingredients. With a little bit of effort and patience you can remove alcohol stains from your purse.


Step 1

Follow the directions given on the soap package. Generally, combine saddle soap with warm water and use a cloth to remove the alcohol from the purse.

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Step 2

Work soap flakes into lather with warm water all over the purse with a damp soft cloth. You can obtain pure white soap flakes available at grocery stores and bulk food stores.

Step 3

Dampen one of the cloths and remove the soapy lather after working it into the leather. Once the soap is removed, dry the leather with the second soft dry cloth.


Make sure you wash your hands after handling either of the soaps so you don't irritate your skin or eyes.


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